Contest Has Expired

Shurat HaDin is launching a new Web Forum to better organize Jewish activism online and to create a hub for pro-Israeli brainstorming of ideas.

We're having a competition to let YOU, our valued supporters and followers, offer the name for our exciting new forum. If we like your suggestion, we will reward you with an exclusive prize.

Shurat HaDin is launching a new Web Forum to better organize Jewish activism online and to create a hub for pro-Israeli brainstorming of ideas.

The Web Forum will bring together like-minded individuals from the pro-Israel camp worldwide who are looking to tackle different issues, crowd source ideas and work together to arrive at real solutions.

Between now and March 25, 2015 you are invited to submit to Shurat HaDin your suggested names for this innovative new forum. The name should be original, reflect the purpose of the Web Forum and its Jewish or Israeli affiliation. We are looking for a dynamic name, can be in English, Hebrew, Yiddish or even a word that has never existed before, that will announce to the world that there is a new way to connect with others who are passionate to safeguard the Jewish State.

If we use your suggested name we will award you an exclusive Shurat HaDin T-Shirt & gavel key-chain.

Send in as many suggestions as you can to increase your chances of winning. Contest ends midnight on March 25th.

Send all suggested names to: [email protected].

Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center

Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center is a civil rights organization and world leader in combating terrorism through civil lawsuits.


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on behalf of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center

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